You don't have to feel like a waste of space; you're original, cannot be replaced

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dear Jared-
I'm sorry I am so emotional. I love you and I hope you find me worth putting up with. I know I am a control freak and I drive you bonkers, but I don't mean to! Thanks for loving me despite me.

Dear daylight-savings-time-
You made me late today. I was THAT girl walking in late to church like a goof who can't tell time.
Thanks alot.

Dear Tally 4th ward-
I'm sorry I was late. Especially nursery. my bad little people. I'm sorry I missed the lesson. I love seeing your faces light up as you learn about Jesus.

Dear Mom-
Sorry I woke you up. It was good talking to you though.

Dear BBW-
This meeting wasn't too shabby. I love my new soap and Marcea will be missed!

Dear Left Eye-
You can stop hurting and twitching whenever your ready...but HURRY UP!

Dear Maddie-
I love you and you always make me feel better. Thanks babygirl.

Dear Nails and Hair-
GROW FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       please

Dear Glee-
Please be a halfway decent episode. thanks.

Dear Japan-
We love you!

Dear Nana-
I miss you. we haven't talked in way too long!

Well, I wrote all my letters. Thanks bloggy-buddies for hearing my concerns!

Love, Lauren 


  1. Dear Lauren...YOU ARE LOVED!!!!
    You're an emotionional girl, :O) You get that from me. Sorry Jared. You are a wonderful daughter and I would NEVER trade you! Yes, we have driven each other nuts over the years...but it has kept our relationship interesting.
    You call me ANYtime! I will always wakeup for least halfway!
    I love you Doodlemonster! I love you alot. I love you a bunch. I love you VERY MUCH!

    xxx Mommy

  2. Your blog is cute!
    Also, sometimes you just gotta cry it out. Thats normal. Right...?
